What Are the Duties of Community Association Managers in Houston, Texas?

What Are the Duties of Community Association Managers in Houston, Texas?

Between member inquiries, collecting fees, and planning board meetings, when was the last time your HOAs volunteers took a break? If they're managing the community alone, they could experience burnout. Before that happens, consider hiring Houston community association managers.

A management company can handle day-to-day tasks while helping your property values rise. Not sure if you need help from an association manager? Read on to discover the tasks they can cover first!

Collect Fees

To survive and thrive, your community needs to remain in good financial health. Unfortunately, the majority of community residents don't think their boards honestly handle the finances. Consider outsourcing all financial matters to your association management company.

Their accounting and reporting services can help you create a budget. With their help, you can protect and improve the community's financial status.

Community members will feel more comfortable if a third party steps in. Meanwhile, board members won't have to ask friends or neighbors for delinquent payments. Your association managers can use an online portal to collect fees.

Using state-of-the-art technology and automation software can streamline this process. Your association managers will ensure no one pays late.

They'll help you develop a reserve account for future projects and maintenance tasks. Community members can feel confident knowing funds are used as intended.

Site Inspections

If you want to attract new members to your community, you need to keep the community in the best possible shape. Your association managers can complete regular site inspections. Maintaining the community can help property values increase.

As you gain more members, the property values will continue to rise. Properties in community associations are valued at $11 trillion.

They'll ensure everyone is following the community's rules and regulations. They can enforce rules on your behalf, allowing everyone to live in harmony.

Maintenance Tasks

To keep your community in the best shape, you'll need to hire Houston's best contractors. Your community association managers already know the best contractors in the area. They can gather competitive bids before you waste money on low-quality services.

They'll schedule and ensure maintenance tasks are completed promptly. Completing these projects will further improve your property values.

Administrative Duties

Every day, your volunteers complete time-consuming, repetitive administrative tasks. These include:

  • Communicating with authorities
  • Scheduling membership meetings
  • Monitoring local, state, and federal laws
  • Responding to membership inquiries
  • Replying to calls and emails
  • Selecting insurance providers/policies

Allow your association managers to handle these tasks for you. Their state-of-the-art technology can boost productivity and accuracy.

Their prompt responses can improve member satisfaction rates. Otherwise, members may struggle to receive the information they need.

Hire Community Association Managers Today

Your volunteers don't have to manage the community alone. Instead, hire the best community association managers in Houston. Their professional services can set your community up for lasting growth and success.

Need help with your community? Look no further than PMI Bayou City.

Our award-winning team has nearly 20 years of experience helping communities like yours. We can help maximize your property values while providing everyone with a better place to live. Contact us today to request our management services!
